Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ZSS Tech Blog 004: Daz Lock is legit.

In the last update of my tech blog, I talked about Dash Attack locks. Per extensive testing, this is what we (Hence and I) found:

You cannot buffer a shield, dodge, or jump.

Characters with fast jabs cannot jab out.

If spaced properly, SDI toward ZSS does not escape. SDI away+buffer shield works at high percents.

If daz attack is decayed, SDI does nothing.

Marth cannot up+b out if ZSS performs properly.

Later, I found that:

ZSS cannot down+b out. She also can't jab out.

Does not work on ICs.

ZSS Tech Blog 003: Buffered Dash Attack Locks on Snake and Other Characters

Something that I discovered and posted about recently on the Zero Suit Samus forums is ZSS' Buffered Dash Attack Locks. These locks work on every character and start at varying percentages. It basically works by chaining instant buffered Dash Attacks together to form a chain that is not escapable if performed correctly. This is especially good vs. characters that ZSS edgeguards well, such as Snake. If it helps, try to buffer the dash attack following the previous dash attack just before her foot closest to her body touches ground during the dash attack animation.

Although I'd like to have a better video available, this video created by DarkWater should give you a basic idea of what this tech looks like (although you should note that this video was not made by me and I have not been able to test it on Meta Knight yet). DarkWater claims he's working on a more comprehensive video now.

Here's an example of now this can be used:

ZSS's DA lock on Snake starts at about 55% and runs until a little under 100%. This is especially great, because the Chain Grab ends at 60%. Thus this complements the chain grab nicely. It also sets him up near the edge at a high percent which is almost a guaranteed gimp.

Disclaimer: Further testing is still being done. Comments? Questions? You know what to do.

ZSS Tech Blog 002: Banana Tech

One of ZSS' disadvantaged Top Tier matches, Diddy Kong, has the ability to create bananas that she can actually do quite a bit with if we can get control of them. Diddy vs. ZSS is nothing if not a momentum war; unfortunately, the fight will naturally lean toward Diddy Kong because he's creating the bananas and thus the momentum defaults to his favor.

It is possible to steal the bananas from him and do a lot of really cool things with them. Today I'll be talking about two techniques you can use against Diddy Kong, Weak Glide Tossing and Jump Cancelled Throws.

Weak Glide Tossing is an extension of Glide Tossing discovered by Ingulit, jihnsius, and yours truly, and is very effective vs Diddy Kong. First, it puts you in his face. Second, it allows you to recatch the banana out of the air (something not possible with suit pieces). This tech is pretty easy to do with ZSS. To perform, foxtrot left or right, let go of the control stick and immediately tap the shield button. Interrupt the roll by tapping "A" like you would for a regular Glide Toss. The effect is that you gain the momentum of a regular Glide Toss and the distance of a weak toss. ZSS' glide toss is perfect for this, because the banana stays with you as you glide. You can catch it out of the air near the end of the toss. Great for mind games.

Now for the real meat of this entry: Jump Cancelled Throws. JCTs are very useful for ZSS vs. Diddy Kong and this is something I've been wanting to talk about for a while. This tech is performed by tapping X or Y, then immediately hitting A and tapping left or right. The effect is a glide toss with a smaller travel distance. It also allows you to toss bananas up and down at various points during a foxtrot. You can also perform a pivot during the JCT.

For example, it is possible to dribble bananas with ZSS. You can use JCTs to fox trot (tap the direction and release), then JCT down and pick up the banana again. By performing a full dash instead of a foxtrot, the banana appears behind you instead of on top of you; experiment with the various combinations. Combos (both "true" combos and cool move strings) are possible.

Try this: full dash pivot JCT down into Diddy Kong. He will trip, the banana will appear behind him. Jab twice, he'll trip on the banana again, and jab cancel down smash twice into an aerial of your choice.

Comments? Questions? You know what to do.

ZSS Tech Blog 001: Introduction

This blog will be devoted primarily to expanding the tech and meta game for Zero Suit Samus. Other characters are not excluded, but I will be primarily dealing with ZSS. I will udpate this blog frequently with my findings and experiments.

Expect updates soon explaining Dash Attack Locking and Banana Tech.